Growth expectations for the vending industry are positive, and at Smarmec, that is what we are focused in
We seek continuous improvement, and we take seriously the culture of 'zero defects'

The vending industry has once again showed a positive evolution, creating great expectations for the next year. It is a market in constant growth, and we at Smarmec operate in that field. Vending, ticketing, smart payment, booking and flight management. Do you have a project you need to develop? Please, contact us to find out what we can do for you.
1880. Vending machines came into use 140 years ago. The first ones sold postcards and only accepted coins as a means of payment. In 1960, it became possible to pay by notes and it was only in 1985 that intelligent machines started admitting card payment. Year after year, technological advances have helped the industry evolve, which results in figures constantly increasing. That is why at Smarmec, we engage in a continuous process of learning and innovation. Thus allowing us to offer the best quality guarantee in all our services.
Last July, the INFORMA’s Sectorial Observatory DBK published the annual survey for the industry. The vending market value, which is currently over two billion euros, grew by 2.2% in 2018. Hot drink and solid food sales were the best performers with an almost 6% growth each. Furthermore, the study forecasts a positive development for the coming years.
At SMARMEC we are experts in advanced boilerworks and the subsequent integration of technology for the manufacturing of smart machines for industries such as vending, ticketing, information points, sales automatons and electromedicine, among others. All our projects are divided into eight phases, and we devote utmost care to each one of them in order to obtain impeccable results.
We specialise in the sales automatons and vending industry, that is, the booming industry. The industry’s constant growth requires fast solutions, and we are fully prepared. We always seek continuous improvement, and we take seriously the culture of ‘zero defects’. This is why, throughout our history, we have earned a reputation as a leading organisation in terms of product quality and service.